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以不同季节红叶1号、红叶2号、丹妃三个红紫芽品种(系)为供试原料制成绿茶、白茶和红茶,通过茶叶品质分析及感官审评方法综合评价了红紫芽茶树品种(系)的茶类适制性。结果表明,同一品种(系)制成的绿茶和白茶理化成分含量高于对应的红茶。绿茶中各理化成分含量最高,可溶性糖含量三季平均为4.24%~4.69%,而红茶则为3.54%~3.96%。氨基酸含量在白茶中高于绿茶和红茶,白茶中含量达3.40%以上,而红茶和绿茶中含量在3%左右。红紫芽绿茶中花青素含量夏季>秋季>春季,夏季含量为0.086%~0.115%;除了春季白茶检出痕量的花青素外,其余不同季节的白茶和红茶均未检出花青素。感官审评结果表明,白茶普遍具有优雅、浓郁的花香或果香,滋味甜醇鲜爽的特点;红茶普遍具有甜香浓郁、滋味甜醇鲜爽的特点;绿茶品质成分丰富,汤色呈红紫色。研究认为,红紫芽茶更适合制作红茶和白茶,而制成的绿茶则可以作为一种新型特异茶饮进行推广。本研究为红紫芽茶的深入利用提供了理论基础和实践依据。  相似文献   

为研究茶饮料工业化生产过程中原料用绿茶适宜的烘焙工艺及其品质变化,以绿茶饮料加工常用的蒸青绿茶为材料,分别采用焙煎机和烘箱两类设备,设置不同烘焙温度、烘焙时间和添水量,通过正交试验确定适宜的工艺参数;并分析评价其感官品质、主要理化成分和特征香气。结果表明:烘焙可去除绿茶青草气,增加花果香、烘焙香,降低苦涩味;烘焙过程中,绿茶的主要理化成分含量呈降低趋势;焙煎机烘焙的绿茶香气浓郁,茶多酚等主要理化成分及呈焙香的挥发性组分含量高,而烘箱烘焙的绿茶汤色、滋味更佳。研究条件下茶饮料用绿茶烘焙优化工艺为:焙煎机:18%添水量、140 ℃烘焙10 min;烘箱:15%添水量、140 ℃烘焙5 h。  相似文献   

:目的 研究3个不同等级烘青绿茶的生化成分、感官品质及抗氧化活性。方法 使用分光光度计测定3种茶样中总黄酮、茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱的含量,利用清除二苯代苦味酰基自由基(1,1-dipheny-2-picryhydrazyl free radical, DPPH)法测定了其抗氧化活性,并进行感官评价。结果 3个等级绿茶总黄酮、茶多酚、氨基酸和咖啡碱含量差异显著(P<0.05),茶多酚随着茶样等级的降低而升高,咖啡碱的含量则相反,而氨基酸和黄酮是波动变化;不同等级绿茶的半抑制浓度(half maximal inhibitory concentration, IC50)差异显著(P<0.05),且IC50随着等级的降低而下降;感官评价得分随着等级的降低而降低;3种茶的抗氧化活性与其茶多酚含量成极显著正相关P<0.01),与咖啡碱的含量和感官审评得分呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。结论 3个等级的炒青绿茶抗氧化性随着等级的降低而升高,且与其主要生化成分呈显著相关。  相似文献   

选择四川省不同产区绿茶包括川南、川北和川西3个产区共20个绿茶茶样,参照GB/T 23776-2009《茶叶感官审评方法》中绿茶审评法对茶样进行感官审评,采用超高效液相色谱检测茶样中主要滋味贡献成分含量,分析川内不同产区绿茶的差异。结果表明,川南、川北、川西茶区绿茶感官平均分为87.69±1.76、83.14±1.75和89.06±1.12;滋味感官审评得分分别为87.73±2.19、81.05±2.94及89.62±1.27,均是川西绿茶高于川南绿茶高于川北绿茶。绿茶主要滋味贡献成分含量之间有明显差异,儿茶素类含量明显高于茶氨酸及咖啡碱的含量,分别为(513.10±118.20)mg/L(川南绿茶)、(724.91±121.68)mg/L(川北绿茶)、(300.675±71.14)mg/L(川西绿茶)。不同产区茶氨酸含量无显著差异,且研究表明其与感官审评总分并无相关性;而咖啡碱的含量不同产区水平相当。通过主要滋味贡献成分的主成分分析,及其与滋味评分、总分的相关性分析,得知高酯型儿茶素含量(471.52±86.00)mg/L是导致川北绿茶苦涩味明显的主要原因之一;川西绿茶的低酯型儿茶素含量(173.07±42.40)mg/L是导致其滋味醇甘鲜、略涩为主的主要原因之一。研究结果将为四川不同地区绿茶的品质提高和消费者识别提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为优化扁形绿茶自动化生产线做形和炒干工艺,以外观度、色泽度和成形度为评价指标进行单因素试验;在此基础上,以感官评分、容重、茶汤-b/a值、儿茶素品质指数为评价指标进行正交试验,对其工艺参数进行优化,并采用感官评价和理化分析相结合的方式分析扁形绿茶加工过程中品质成分变化。结果表明:做形工序最佳工艺参数为投叶量75 g、时间75 s、温度220℃,炒干工序最佳工艺参数为投叶量60 g、时间160 s、温度160℃。扁形绿茶加工过程中理化成分发生了一系列变化,在制品的含水率、水浸出物、茶多酚和咖啡碱含量呈不断减少趋势;游离氨基酸总量呈先减少后不断增加趋势,在杀青工序含量最低;可溶性糖含量呈先增加后减少趋势,在炒干工序含量最高。相比采用传统工艺加工的扁形绿茶,利用优化工艺加工扁形绿茶的感官评分提高了2.27分,茶叶容重增加10.84%,茶汤色泽有明显改善,儿茶素品质指数上升。  相似文献   

一种复合精油对大米品质变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选用复合植物精油处理水分含量为15.5%的大米,将其置于高温(30℃)、高湿(RH90%)条件下储藏10 d。比较研究大米菌落总数、脂肪酸值、加热吸水率、透光差4个指标的变化,考察对大米储藏品质、大米蒸煮品质的影响,并通过模糊综合感官品质评价方法研究植物精油对大米感官品质变化影响。结果表明:复合精油不但能显著抑制大米霉变,还具有延缓大米陈化作用。防霉效果随着复合精油浓度的增加而提高,用6×10-2mg/mL的复合精油处理的大米,比同等储藏条件下其他浓度处理的大米具有更好的感官品质评价。  相似文献   

目的 分析比较福鼎大白茶树鲜叶加工制成的3种茶类中活性成分的含量差异。方法 以福鼎大白茶树鲜叶为原料, 按不同工艺制成绿茶、白茶、红茶, 测定其活性成分(茶多酚、咖啡碱、氨基酸、儿茶素)含量。结果 绿茶中茶多酚及儿茶素总量最高, 红茶较低。绿茶中儿茶素总量约为红茶的10倍, 白茶中儿茶素总量约为红茶的8倍; 氨基酸含量: 白茶高于绿茶及红茶, 红茶中氨基酸最低; 咖啡碱在白茶和绿茶中的含量差别不大, 显著性高于红茶, 但不存在极显著性差异。结论 加工工艺对不同茶类茶多酚及儿茶素类物质含量影响较大, 而对咖啡碱含量的影响不大。  相似文献   

目的:研究空气、金属、波能量三种热导介质对绿茶品质成分及感官的影响。方法:基于氨基酸分析仪、高效液相色谱仪、气相色谱-质谱联用技术及感官审评方法,对采用不同热导介质干燥的绿茶进行滋味物质与香气物质及感官品质分析。结果:烘青绿茶清香品质更持久,鲜爽醇厚度和汤色绿亮度最好,其次是滚炒绿茶、微波干燥绿茶。不同热导介质干燥的绿茶氨基酸变化具有相似性,在氨基酸单量上茶氨酸占比最大,其后依次为精氨酸、天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、天冬酰胺、丝氨酸,部分氨基酸含量有显著差异(P<0.05)。不同热导介质干燥对绿茶儿茶素总量及分量、咖啡碱含量有影响,但没有达到显著性差异。不同热导介质干燥绿茶中微波干燥绿茶的香气物质种类更丰富,但主要香气物质差异不大。烘青绿茶和滚炒绿茶香味成分相对含量更高,其中壬醛、癸醛、β-环柠檬醛、β-紫罗兰酮、芳樟醇是主要的香气贡献物。结论:不同热导介质干燥绿茶中空气热导干燥更有利于游离氨基酸、儿茶素总量的积累,其清香品质更持久,鲜爽醇厚和汤色绿亮更好,其次是金属热导,最后是微波。  相似文献   

使用同时蒸馏萃取装置、以及气相色谱仪(GC)和气相色谱/质谱联用仪(GC/MS),对约3年自然陈化过程云南中部和上部烤烟复烤叶片的香味成分进行了分析研究,并进行了感官质量评价。结果表明,烤烟复烤叶片在约3年的自然陈化过程中,4-环戊烯-1,3-二酮、二氢猕猴桃内酯等香味成分含量持续增加;茄酮、β-苯乙醇等陈化前期含量增加,达到峰值后含量开始缓慢下降;2,4-庚二烯醛含量一直降低。复烤叶片陈化过程吸食品质有所改善,到30个月左右,感官质量最好。另外,进行了复烤叶片陈化过程香味成分的变化与感官质量的相关性研究,陈化过程两种烟叶香味物质总量、酮类物质总量与感官质量的相关性良好,相关系数均大于0.90。   相似文献   

摘 要: 目的 探究祁门槠叶种制作的不同茶类的感官品质和理化特性。方法 按生产性工艺制作不同种类茶样,感官审评法评定各茶类的基本品质特征,用氨基酸分析仪、液相色谱和气质联用方法分析关键品质成分,用体外模拟方法测定不同茶类的自由基清除力,SPSS用于统计分析。 结果 卷形红茶芳樟醇及其氧化物,香叶醇含量仍然较高,并产生6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮, 2,2,6-三甲基-6-乙烯基四氢-2H-呋喃-3-醇等烘干型红茶中很少的甜香成分,红茶干燥中烘炒制结合应成为一种普遍推行的技术。安茶滋味醇浓,但没有一般黑茶那种木腐味和陈香。3种茶叶中绿茶表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG)含量最高,但黑茶中表没食子儿茶素(EGC)和没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(GCG)含量高于红茶和绿茶。1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(DPPH)自由基、超氧自由基和羟自由基试验表明,大多数情形下安茶(黑茶)自由基清除力最强,但3种茶叶差异不明显,总还原力试验显示绿茶>黑茶>红茶。醇提取物和水提取物对比,抗氧化力差异没有表现一致性的规律。  相似文献   

The effect of fermentation on the nitric oxide (NO)-suppressing activity of tea was investigated using an lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated RAW 264.7 cell model. Two species of tea, Taiwan tea No. 12 and Chinsin Oolong, commonly cultivated and consumed in Taiwan, were selected and manufactured with three degrees of fermentation. All of the teas including non-fermented green, partially fermented paochong and fully fermented black teas, were prepared from a single batch of fresh tea leaves. Additionally, the freeze-dried solids of tea infusions were used to treat cells and their NO-suppressing activities were compared. The results showed that the two species of black tea inhibited the NO production, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) catalytic activity and iNOS protein expression in LPS-activated cells, more weakly than did green and paochong teas. Meanwhile, the NO-suppressing activity was highly correlated with the total phenolics content. Clearly, heavy fermentation strongly affects the NO-suppressing activity of tea, and the decline of the NO-suppressing activity is attributed to the elimination of the phenolics.  相似文献   

The Kenyan tea industry wishes to diversify its tea products, and in line with this, anthocyanin – rich teas were developed at the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. These teas have purple-coloured leaves and the green colour is masked. In total, 12 accessions of the purple leaf coloured teas and 2 standard tea varieties were studied. Clones Hanlu and Yabukita are Chinese and Japanese tea varieties, respectively, known for good green tea, and they were used as reference standards. Little if any research had been done to characterize the quality of these purple leaf coloured teas and this study investigated their total polyphenols (TPP), catechins, caffeine, gallic acid and theanine. These are the major green tea quality parameters. Results showed that the new Kenyan tea clones had higher total polyphenols than had the reference standard tea varieties, which had 17.2% and 19.7% while the lowest among the Kenyan clones was 20.8%. On catechin quality index, K-purple and TRFK 91/1 showed high index values of 15.9 and 13.3, respectively, while clones TRFK 83/1 and 73/5 showed low index values of 0.74 and 1.0, respectively. Hanlu had the highest caffeine level with 2.42% while clones TRFK KS 3, TRFK KS 2 and TRFK 83/1 had relatively high caffeine levels among the purple leaf coloured teas, with 2.33%, 2.22% and 2.21%, respectively. Clone TRFK 73/5 had the lowest caffeine content, with 1.16%. Theanine analysis showed that most purple leaf coloured teas had more theanine than had the reference standard clones, except TRFK 83/1 and K-purple, which were lower than the reference standard clones. The implication of the green tea chemical quality parameters is also discussed. It is concluded that all the studied clones/varieties have above the minimum 14% of total polyphenols. Clones K-purple and TRFK 91/1 showed high green tea quality indices with the latter doubling with high levels of theanine; hence its highly recommended for green tea manufacture.  相似文献   

The ethylamine contents of tea shoots and made teas were derived with o-phthalaldehyde and 2-mercaptoethanol, and quantified by high performance liquid chromatography. The coefficient of variation of this method was 1.97% from eight analyses. The levels of ethylamine in tea shoots declined markedly during growth and senescence after plucking; they also declined in the extracts of fresh tea during the incubation at 37°C, but this decrease was completely inhibited by amine oxidase inhibitors. The content of ethylamine in high grade green teas was higher than in low grade teas, but was almost identical in high and low grade black tea. The mean contents of ethylamine in 22 green teas and 17 black teas were 6.76±3.07 μmol g?1 and 6.40±1.82 μmol g?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Flavonol glycosides with low thresholds are important flavour substances in tea leaves. This study monitored the dynamic changes in flavonol glycosides during the production of different teas. The fresh leaves of cv. Fudingdabaicha with 15.77 mg g−1 of total flavonol glycosides (TFG) were respectively processed into green, yellow, white, oolong and black teas. A reduction of TFG was observed for different teas, amongst which black tea contained the lowest level of TFG (9.83 mg g−1), followed by oolong tea (11.96 mg g−1), while green, yellow and white teas contained similar levels of TFG (~13.70 mg g−1). Fixation was crucial to maintain the stability of flavonol glycosides due to its inactivation effect on enzymes at high temperature. Principal component analysis results indicated that flavonol glycosides were vulnerable to fermentation, and the stabilities of flavonol glycosides were related with aglycone and glycoside moiety.  相似文献   

三种砖茶品质生化成分的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过比较三种砖茶中各种生化成分含量的差异,分析了不同加工工艺对砖茶生化成分以及成茶品质风味的影响。实验结果表明,黑砖茶的水浸出物、茶多酚、咖啡碱、游离氨基酸及三种色素的含量均为最高,茯砖茶次之,青砖茶最低,而可溶性糖的含量是黑砖茶最低,青砖茶最高。三种砖茶生化成分的差异主要是由不同的加工工艺造成的,茯砖茶有独特的"发花"工序,其品质表现为有菌花香,滋味醇和;黑砖茶的原料较嫩,加工过程比较简单,内含成分高,滋味表现为纯厚微涩;青砖茶的原料最为粗老,自然发酵时间长,可溶性糖含量高,其品质表现为香气纯正,滋味甘甜。  相似文献   

Cocoa tea is a new natural decaffeinated tea. Three types of cocoa tea (green, oolong and black) were produced and their sensory evaluation scores accessed. Main components and their dissolution rates in ten infusions of the three teas were analyzed by HPLC and spectrophotometry. The comprehensive score of sensory evaluations was 85.1, 86.8 and 94.4, respectively. Upon fermentation the contents of water extract (46.67%, 41.8% and 40%), tea polyphenols (38.58%, 30.41% and 23.6%) and total catechins (23.51%, 17.68% and 4.02%) in green, oolong and black teas decreased gradually, and theaflavins (0.11%, 0.11% and 0.17%), thearubigins (4.29%, 5.00% and 9.71%), theabrownins (2.75%, 4.90% and 13.52%), water-soluble carbohydrates, flavonoid glycoside and gallic acid in the three teas increased gradually. Theobromine (3.52%, 3.43% and 3.71%) was the alkaloid present in cocoa tea and its content did not change upon fermentation. In the three teas, 9–25% of the main components dissolved in the first 10 s-infusion, more than 80% of most components dissolved in five infusions. A recommendation for consuming cocoa tea is to infuse tea leaves (g) with 50 times boiling water (ml) for 3 min, the first infusion should not be discarded and five infusions were sufficient.  相似文献   

Monomeric flavonoids (flavan 3-ols or tea catechins) present in Camellia sinensis leaf are transformed to polymeric theaflavin and thearubigin by oxidation occurring during tea fermentation. The distinctive colour, decreased bitterness and astringency, and characteristic flavour are derived from the fermentation process giving fermented teas a marked distinction from non-fermented green tea. Even though teas are available in many different fermentation levels from green to black, the difference in phytochemicals and volatile compounds in teas with different degrees of fermentation has not been fully investigated yet within the same tea leaf. The objective of this study was to observe non-volatile phytochemicals including polyphenolic and volatile compounds changes by oxidation under strict processing control and to evaluate the degree of fermentation for the maximum antioxidant capacity with the same tea material. Harvested tea leaf was immediately processed to different degrees of oxidative fermentation (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%). Tea infusions brewed with each processed tea leaf were analysed for polyphenolic profile, total soluble phenolics, antioxidant capacity, and volatile profile using LC–MS, HPLC, Folin–Ciocalteu assay, Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC), and GC–MS analyses. The flavonoids in non-fermented green tea were significantly lessened during the oxidative fermentation process and the decreased monomeric flavonoids were transformed to polymeric theaflavin and thearubigin as the leaves were more processed. Total soluble phenolics and antioxidant capacity were significantly higher as tea leaves were less processed with a high correlation with individual polyphenolic changes. Volatile compounds present in tea leaf were analysed by GC–MS to observe changes due to processing and were utilised to create a model to differentiate fermentation based on volatile composition. Twenty-four compounds were used to build an initial model which was optimised to 16 compounds with complete separation of the groups using discriminant function analysis. The data suggested that fermentation diminished antioxidant capacity of tea and could result in lowering potential health benefits from flavonoids. This result should be considered for tea manufacturing and the development of functional foods desiring maximum potential health benefits from antioxidant flavonoids in tea.  相似文献   

Production of black tea from the same vegetatively propagated (VP) cultivars, in Kenya and Malawi, shows variations in both chemical composition and quality. Whereas it is possible to produce black teas with similar total theaflavins and individual theaflavins, brightness and total colour levels, black teas from Kenya generally have higher thearubigins, total volatile flavour compounds and flavour index. The black tea fermentation process is much faster in Malawi compared to that in Kenya, as evidenced by faster production of plain black tea chemical parameters, especially theaflavins. Consequently, in Malawi the maximum amount of theaflavins formation takes a shorter fermentation duration than in Kenya. Given ample fermentation duration, fermentation in Kenya produces a similar amount of theaflavins. This makes it necessary to optimise fermentation time, in different geographical regions even when the same cultivar is being processed. The other plain black tea quality parameters (thearubigins, brightness and total colour) were higher in black tea which was processed in Kenya than those processed in Malawi. However, the pattern in the changes in the individual theaflavins or theaflavins digallate equivalent followed that of total (Flavognost) theaflavins, suggesting that the flavan-3-ols patterns in tea leaf might not have been affected by the geographical area of production. The total volatile flavour compounds (VFC), Group I and II VFC and the flavour index were higher in black teas processed in Kenya, further demonstrating the fact that high grown Kenyan teas are more flavoury. In both Kenya and Malawi black teas, aroma quality declined with a long duration of fermentation. Short fermentation time is therefore a method of producing more aromatic black teas. The variations in black tea quality between Malawi and Kenya were possibly due to difference in environmental conditions, leading to different shoot growth rates and biochemical composition in the shoots.  相似文献   

The tea caffeine content had previously been shown to increase reasonably after being treated with mixed microorganisms for a period of time. In this study, single microorganisms were used in the fermentation of black and green teas in order to find which microorganism has the best effect on increasing the caffeine content. The results demonstrated that molds fermentation increased the caffeine content, but yeasts fermentation decreased the caffeine content. Among the three molds in this study, Aspergillus niger van Tieghem has the most remarkable effect, and the caffeine content in dry green tea increased from an initial 3.47% to 9.63%. The increase rate was 177.5% on the 16th day. Furthermore, the changes of caffeine and theophylline were of a similar trend. Possibly theophylline instead of theobromine is the precursor of caffeine in the living microorganisms. The new biosynthetic route is different from that in tea plants.  相似文献   

乌龙茶品种风味与其化学因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为揭示不同品种乌龙茶风味与工艺技术及其化学因子的关系,以佛手、黄楼、福云6号和混合种的鲜叶为原料,在相同条件下加工成乌龙茶,检测鲜叶及成品乌龙茶的化学成分含量,借助方差分析、多元回归与逐步回归等统计方法进行研究,结果表明:鲜叶固定样的生化成分含量与品种特性有关;乌龙茶品种特性的充分发挥取决于相应的工艺技术;不同品种乌龙茶独特的风味与其生化成分间存在复杂的关系。  相似文献   

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