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近年来随着人们对身心健康、环保及美味食品的追求,我国肉类农产品的供求出现了严重的不平衡及波动。欧美等国已经投入大量资源开展人造肉研究,预计未来可能将对我们国的食品及肉制品市场造成很大的影响。所以将人造肉来替代我们传统肉类的产品,首先需要能够提供肉的美味和营养,还要给生态能源、环境等带来可持续性发展。人造肉主要分为两种:一种是通过植物蛋白及其他植物性成分合成的植物人造肉,另外一种是通过动物干细胞合成的细胞人造肉。但人造肉目前仍存在较多的技术、安全以及成本等方面问题。该文对人造肉的研究现状和存在的问题进行综述,以期对我国人造肉及相关领域研究提供参考。  相似文献   

刘业学  王稳航   《中国食品学报》2020,20(8):295-307
开发人造肉可以有效缓解人们对肉类的需求压力,降低肉类生产对环境的不利影响,减少肉制品过多摄入引起的潜在健康危害以及满足人们对新型食品的追求,对倡导多元化健康的食品消费具有多重意义。如何开发质地逼真、营养丰富、安全卫生的人造肉产品,在人们对健康食品诉求迫切的当今社会既是机遇又是挑战。本文以肉是一种复杂生物材料的视角,从肌肉的多组分、多层次的结构组成和复杂的生长机制出发,引入仿生学概念,针对不同种类肉制品的质地结构和感官品质及可模仿性等方面,详细评价目前已应用的或有潜在应用的人造肉生产策略与技术,并对人造肉的产品开发和产业前景进行展望,旨在开发质地与结构更为逼真的高品质的仿肉制品,为进一步拓展健康肉类仿生食品提供参考。  相似文献   

随着人口的增长和人们对营养健康食品的追求,人们将目光聚焦在肉类替代品的研究探索上,新型食品—人造肉已经成为了弥补肉制品行业资源缺口的优良选择.人造肉包括植物蛋白肉、细胞培养肉和菌类蛋白肉.该文对人造肉的研究现状和存在的问题进行综述,并对人造肉产业的未来进行展望.  相似文献   

近年来随着人们对健康、环保及美味食品的追求,我国肉类农产品的供求出现了严重的不平衡。因此,以细胞工厂为基础的人造肉将成为未来农产品生产的发展趋势。虽然目前利用细胞培养已经可以获得一定量的动物肌肉组织,但相关产品的市场认可度还很低。根本原因是现阶段人造肉制品还无法逼真模拟真肉的品质。要想生产符合大众需求的人造肉制品,必须要对人造肉制品进行一系列的商品化加工和重塑成型处理。目前最新的研究成果已经可以通过添加合成的血红蛋白、香味物质等食品添加剂,优化肉制品中各组分的比例和3D打印技术初步实现人造肉制品的商品化。基于此,本文总结了国内外可以用于人造肉制品商品化的技术和相关研究进展,为实现人造肉制品大规模的市场化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

正据世界科技研究新闻资讯网报道,工厂化饲养和行业丑闻已经导致了德国肉类消费的下滑。取而代之的是,素香肠和大豆排的消费量正在上升。实验室培育的动物细胞组织有望在不饲养和屠宰动物的前提下生产出真正的肉类。德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)的研究人员近日探索了这种所谓的"试管肉"是否能成为一种切实可行的肉类替代选择。试管肉(或实验室人造肉)的生产非常复杂,而且产量极低。而德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院技术评估和系统分析研究所的Inge Bohm说:"未来,实验室的人造肉可能会帮  相似文献   

张斌  屠康 《食品工业科技》2020,41(9):327-333
人造肉主要分为两种:一种是通过动物干细胞合成的人造动物肉;一种是通过植物蛋白及其他植物性成分合成的植物性肉。从能源角度讲,人造肉能够减少饲养牲畜时所产生的能耗。从温室效应角度考虑,人造肉能够减少温室气体的排放,减缓全球变暖的压力。而从营养角度讲,人造动物肉能够提供传统屠宰肉类似的氨基酸、脂肪及维生素等;植物性肉主要由植物蛋白合成,同样能够给人体补充大量蛋白质。因此将人造肉作为传统肉类的替代品,不仅能够提供应有的营养,还能给环境、能源等带来可持续性增益。但人造肉目前仍存在较多的技术、伦理道德以及安全等方面问题。本文介绍了两种人造肉的主要制作方法,综述了人们目前对人造肉的认识以及态度,最后总结了人造肉在未来市场可能会遇见的挑战,以期为我国人造肉行业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

人造肉生产技术相关专利分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对近年来国内外关于人造肉生产技术相关的专利申请状况进行了分析,通过对历年专利申请趋势、主要申请人和发明人、专利布局情况的统计和对重点专利技术内容的解析,力求能全面系统地反映包括植物蛋白肉和细胞培养肉生产技术、人造肉商品化技术、人造肉重塑成型技术领域专利技术的发展及现状,寻找相关专利技术在发展中还存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了下一步的研究方向,以期对尽早实现我国人造肉的规模化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:2019年以来,人造肉技术受到了社会的广泛关注,各种人造肉制品抢占餐饮市场标志着这项技术可能迎来一个转折点,逐步进入大规模商业化阶段.方法:综述了植物蛋白肉和细胞培养肉两种类型的人造肉在技术层面的发展现状,探讨了人造肉的食用安全性和生物安全性以及监管框架,展望了人造肉的市场和消费者接受度.结果:人造肉是肉类生产领...  相似文献   

美国与荷兰的科学家正在研制利用动物的细胞组织,直接在实验室当中培养出一种“人造肉”,完全摆脱了饲养和屠宰动物的传统肉类生产方式。不过,这种“人造肉”恐怕会让许多人望而却步,因为其制造成本每公斤高达1万美元。  相似文献   

正据媒体报道,日本东京大学和一家食品公司近期宣布,首次成功利用牛肌肉细胞培养出块状的"人造牛排"。近年来,"人造肉"一直是科学界的科研热点之一。在此之前,一些国家的科研人员研发出"人造肉",但大部分是碎肉,这次日本研究的是人工培养出块状的肌肉组织,并让人造牛排具有牛肉本身的口感。那么,"人造肉"真的能供人类食用吗?它未来是否能成为人类对肉类消费需求的补充,甚至完全成为传统肉类的替代品?  相似文献   

人造肉主要通过模仿动物肉的口感、特性和烹饪属性,以替代动物肉食食品,从而降低生产成本;能够满足素食主义者、肥胖者以及“三高”人群的需求。本文阐述了现有人造肉的种类、加工工艺、现存质量问题,在此基础上进一步叙述多糖特性及其在人造肉中应用,同时分别从风味、营养和口感方面分析评价多糖制备人造肉特性,最后对人造肉今后研发和生产提供几个发展方向,为今后人造肉研制工艺的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

人口增长所引发的畜禽肉市场的供需矛盾,以及生产畜禽肉时对土地占用和环境污染等潜在问题推动了植物基人造肉的研究与开发。本文介绍了国内外植物基人造肉产品的发展现状和生产工艺原理分析,重点分析了植物蛋白原料特性和挤压工艺参数对人造肉品质的影响,并就目前存在的公众接受度低、产品相关食品安全标准、法规不健全以及机理研究难度大等问题提出了看法和建议,为今后植物基人造肉的开发和推广提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Defined as meat cultured in a laboratory within a bioreactor under controlled artificial conditions, in vitro meat is a relatively recent area that has opened a whole universe of possibilities and opportunities for the meat sector. With improved chemical and microbial safety and varied options, in vitro meat has been proposed as a green, healthy, environmentally friendly, and nutritionally better product that is free from animal suffering and death. Cell culture and tissue culture are the most probable technologies for the development of this futuristic muscle product. However, there are many challenges in the production of a suitable product at an industrial scale under a sustainable production system and a great body of research is required to fill the gaps in our knowledge. Many materials used in the product development are novel and untested within the food industry and demand urgent regulatory and safety assessment systems capable of managing any risks associated with the development of cultured meat. The future of this product will depend on the actions of governments and regulatory agencies. This article highlights emerging biotechnological options for the development of cultured meat and suggests ways to integrate these emerging technologies into meat research. It considers the problems and possibilities of developing cultured meat, opportunities, ethical issues as well as emerging safety and regulatory issues in this area.  相似文献   

Venison from farmed deer has by now become common on the market. This follows the application of animal husbandry techniques to ensure a controlled supply of quality meat. Numerous studies discussed in this presentation have elucidated some of the factors that influence the meat composition and quality derived from various deer species. On the other hand, meat from wild, free-roaming animals has not yet reached a similar position in the industry and in the mind of the consumer. Yet these species show great potential, especially as pertaining to their meat production when discussed under the global warming scenario. In particular, the rodent species that are currently utilized in the bushmeat trade show potential for meat production. This presentation will endeavor to discuss the positive and negative aspects of these species as potential meat sources.  相似文献   

以大工业思路发展产业,重点论述了湘味休闲肉制品生产的工艺流程、设备选型及其过程控制。  相似文献   

Fourteen Barbaresca lambs were divided into two groups of seven at 24h from birth and reared exclusively on natural milk (NR) or on artificial milk (AR). Lambs were slaughtered at 40 days of age. The NR group tended (P<0.10) to grow faster, thus resulting in a higher (P<0.10) carcass weight as compared to the AR group. AR meat was darker (P<0.05), leaner (P<0.001) and with a higher moisture (P<0.10) and ash (P<0.05) content than its counterpart. The proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids was higher (P<0.01), while that of saturated lower (P<0.01) in meat from the AR group, resulting in a higher (P<0.01) polyunsaturated/saturated ratio. Linoleic acid content (P<0.001) and its n-6 series derivatives, except 9-12 trans C18:2 n-6 (P<0.001), increased more in the AR group meat than in the NR group. On the other hand, α-linolenic (P<0.001) and other n-3 series fatty acids were higher in meat from the NR group than in the AR group, leading to a lower (P<0.001) n-6/n-3 ratio. Furthermore, 9 cis 11 trans CLA was higher (P<0.001) in NR meat compared to AR meat. Finally, a milk-feeding regime exclusively based on artificial milk adversely affected the dietetic value of lamb meat compared to a natural rearing system, reducing the level of desirable fatty acids such as n-3 series and CLA.  相似文献   

Depression of meat quality is known to be caused by lipid peroxidation occurring in meat. Supplementation of antioxidants in feed decreases lipid peroxidation and improves the oxidative stability of meat after slaughtering. The present study demonstrated that meat obtained from broiler birds fed feed supplemented with α-tocopherol acetate (200 mg/kg feed) along with α-lipoic acid (25, 75, or 150 mg/kg feed) exhibited increased oxidative stability and reduced fat content. The total phenolic content and α-lipoic acid content increased in the meat as the concentration of α-lipoic acid supplementation increased. The protein content in the meat was not changed by the supplementation of α-lipoic acid and α-tocopherol acetate. The results of DPPH and TBA assays demonstrated that feed supplemented with α-lipoic acid and α-tocopherol acetate also enhanced the antioxidant activity of broiler meat. On the other hand, the meat from broiler birds fed feed supplemented with oxidised oil (4% in feed) reduced its oxidative stability.  相似文献   

近年来,在食品中添加非食用物质或滥用食品添加剂而导致群体性食物中毒的恶性事件在我国频频发生。作为消费量占肉类产量60%左右的熟肉制品和肉肠类制品[1]其食用是否安全更是各级政府和广大市民关注的焦点。针对兰州市2001~2005年市售熟肉制品中亚硝酸盐合格率较低[2],2008年其检出率高居不下的状况,文章主要讨论了兰州市售熟肉制品的安全现状及可能出现肉制品安全问题的原因,并在此基础上提出了预防肉制品安全问题产生的相关对策。  相似文献   

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