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以黑色食品的营养及功能价值为切入点,综述了黑色食品功能研究方面的基本情况,进而为功能性黑色食品的开发与研究提供支持.并指出目前功能性黑色食品研究和开发中所存在的问题,黑小麦、黑玉米、黑花生、黑红薯的功能性保健开发前景被普遍看好.  相似文献   

黑色食品的营养功能及研究展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
介绍了黑色食品的基本概念、营养保健成分及其功能特性,对黑色食品的研究与开发进行了展望.  相似文献   

保健黑豆挂面的研制李阳随着人们生活水平的提高和对黑色食品的认识,人们越来越重视黑色食品的保健与食疗功能。在欧美,食用黑色食品已成为一种时尚。目前黑色食品在我国已悄然走俏,各种黑色食品陆续上市。为了使黑色食品更趋于日常化、膳食化,我们研制出了保健黑豆挂...  相似文献   

近年来,黑色食品风靡世界。一些专家认为,黑色食品的营养价值高,具有医疗保健功能。 在黑色食品中,黑色粮油产品来源广,医疗保健功能显著,因此,倍受青睐。 黑米。如桂香黑米、黑白糯米、紫晶香  相似文献   

黑色食品是天然颜色为紫色或黑色的一类食品的总称。我国生产和消费黑色食品历史久远,但对其系统研究则始于80年代中后期,研究内容主要包括黑色食品种质资源的筛选、改良及营养分析、功能评价和产品开发等。经分析,黑色食品富含黄酮、类黄酮、膳食纤维及多种不饱和脂肪酸...  相似文献   

黑色食品的营养保健作用及其发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了黑色食品对人体的主要营养与保健作用,分析了黑色食品与普通食品的营养价值,提出了黑色食品的发展前景,尤其是黑色小麦的开发和推广将会进一步加强中国人日常饮食的营养均衡,为实现“吃出健康”迈出一步。陕西省山阳县原种场经过多年的研究培育出黑粒小麦新系列品种,在产量、抗性、营养品质等方面具有明显的优势,可以加工成纯天然有色食品和功能食品,满足人们的要求。  相似文献   

黑色食品是指自然颜色较深、营养较丰富、结构较合理、具有一定调节人体生理功能的食物并经科学加工而成的一类食品。黑色食品具有“四重性”,即自然性、营养性、功能性和科学性。黑花生是黑色食品家族中的珍品。 现代检测手段发现,食物的营养结构与食物本  相似文献   

近年来,国外国内饮食界兴起了一股黑色食品热,我国市场上也经常可见各种黑色食品。本文介绍了部分黑色粮油产品和加工品,并就其黑色食品的发展趋势作了简单介绍。  相似文献   

利用海带丝和在氢氧化钙、碳酸氢钠等碱性化合物的作用下经加热可形成不可逆凝胶的魔芋精粉为主要原料,并配以其它辅料,开发一种具有保健功能的黑色食品.同时,探讨了在加工过程中各工艺参数对产品品质的影响.  相似文献   

本文系统地评价了黑色食品的主要营养价值及特殊的药用成分,以黑色食品为原料加工成黑色食品将有较大的开发价值和广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

研究黑米对小鼠肠道菌群及其相关指标的影响。24只昆明(KM)小鼠随机分成4个组:组1(饲喂基础饲料)、组2(饲喂30%黑米和70%基础饲料的混合饲料)、组3(饲喂60%黑米和40%基础饲料的混合饲料)、组4(饲喂90%黑米和10%基础饲料的混合饲料)。第6周收集小鼠粪便测定粪便含水率,第42天测定血清总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)以及肠道双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌、肠球菌和肠杆菌数量。结果表明,与组1小鼠相比,摄入黑米后,试验组小鼠结肠双歧杆菌数和乳酸杆菌数显著上升(P<0.05),组2最高,其次是组3和组4;肠杆菌科数显著下降(P<0.05),组2最低,组4次之;组2和组4肠球菌数显著低于组1(P<0.05)。试验组小鼠的血清HDL-C和HDL-C/TC都显著高于组1(P<0.05),组4的HDL-C最高,组2的HDL-C/TC最高。表明摄入全谷黑米可以提高小鼠肠道益生菌数量,全谷黑米对肠道具有益生作用。  相似文献   

利用黑米、黑木耳、黑芝麻等“黑色食品”研制出组织细腻、营养丰富的保健型冰淇淋——黑色夹心冰淇淋,其特点是外皮为黑米,夹心部分为枣泥、黑木耳、黑芝麻等。探讨了黑色营养冰淇淋的生产工艺,并采用正交试验法确定了黑色营养冰淇淋的外料和内料的最佳配方。黑色营养冰淇淋能增加冰淇淋的色、香、味,又可大幅度提高冰淇淋中的蛋白质、维生素、无机矿物元素和不饱和脂肪酸的含量,实现了动植物营养成分的互补。将营养丰富的“黑色食品”添加至冰淇淋中,弥补了传统冰淇淋营养成分不足的缺点。  相似文献   

Carbon black (C.I. 77266) is an insoluble pigment produced by the partial combustion of hydrocarbons. The pigment is known by several synonyms, including vegetable carbon, lamp black and carbon ash, that correspond to the raw materials and methods used for its production. Vegetable carbon (E153) is permitted for use in colouring food in the European Union. The US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has not approved the use of any type of carbon black for colouring food, although the agency batch certifies the pigment as D&C Black No. 2 for use in colouring certain cosmetics. Since carbon black (as vegetable carbon) may be present in food products offered for import into the United States, the USFDA's district laboratories need a qualitative analytical method for determining its presence. We have developed an extraction method for this purpose. A sample is broken down and dissolved with nitric acid. The resulting solution is filtered and treated with hydrochloric acid to dissolve any black iron oxide also present as a colour additive. A black residue remaining on the filter paper indicates the presence of carbon black in the food. We confirmed the presence of carbon black in residues from several standards and food products using Raman spectroscopy. The limit of detection for this method is 0.0001%.  相似文献   

Carbon black (C.I. 77266) is an insoluble pigment produced by the partial combustion of hydrocarbons. The pigment is known by several synonyms, including vegetable carbon, lamp black and carbon ash, that correspond to the raw materials and methods used for its production. Vegetable carbon (E153) is permitted for use in colouring food in the European Union. The US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has not approved the use of any type of carbon black for colouring food, although the agency batch certifies the pigment as D&C Black No. 2 for use in colouring certain cosmetics. Since carbon black (as vegetable carbon) may be present in food products offered for import into the United States, the USFDA's district laboratories need a qualitative analytical method for determining its presence. We have developed an extraction method for this purpose. A sample is broken down and dissolved with nitric acid. The resulting solution is filtered and treated with hydrochloric acid to dissolve any black iron oxide also present as a colour additive. A black residue remaining on the filter paper indicates the presence of carbon black in the food. We confirmed the presence of carbon black in residues from several standards and food products using Raman spectroscopy. The limit of detection for this method is 0.0001%.  相似文献   

Carbon black was investigated to assess and quantify the possibility that nanoparticles might migrate out of plastic materials used in the food packaging industry. Two types of carbon black were incorporated in low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and polystyrene (PS) at 2.5% and 5.0% loading (w/w), and then subjected to migration studies. The samples were exposed to different food simulants according to European Union Plastics Regulation 10/2011, simulating long-term storage with aqueous and fatty foodstuffs. Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) coupled to a multi-angle laser light-scattering (MALLS) detector was used to separate, characterise and quantify the potential release of nanoparticles. The AF4 method was successful in differentiating carbon black from other matrix components, such as extracted polymer chains, in the migration solution. At a detection limit of 12 µg kg?1, carbon black did not migrate from the packaging material into food simulants. The experimental findings are in agreement with theoretical considerations based on migration modelling. From both the experimental findings and theoretical considerations, it can be concluded that carbon black does not migrate into food once it is incorporated into a plastics food contact material.  相似文献   

This study describes the development process of a healthy nutritional product containing black wheat granules (BWGP), which was based on Xinjiang characteristics of miscellaneous grains and nuts. BWGP was designed and developed as a local characteristic of nutritious food, which is produced from wheat, black sesame seeds, flour, corn flour, chickpeas, walnuts, peanuts, melon seeds, red dates, and brown sugar. The product was then underwent sterilization process followed by the inflated or vacuum quantitative packing as an instant ready-to-eat food. The best formula (%) was determined as follows: black wheat 30, corn flour 20, flour 15, chickpeas 15, black beans 2, peanuts 3, melon seeds 3, walnut 3, black sesame seeds 4, red date powder 15, sugar powder 15, maltodextrin 15, and sunflower oil 20. BWGP has several advantages, which include: a regional characteristic, simple production methods, and rich flavors. Overall, our study focused on the nutritional, flavor, and compositional effects and how a food product can be made healthier, more sustainable or more acceptable to the consumer.  相似文献   

The antiproliferation activity of a black carrot anthocyanin-rich extract (BC-ARE) on human cancer cells (HT-29 colorectal adenocarcinoma and HL-60 promyelocytic leukaemia) and metabolism of its characteristic anthocyanins (acylated and nonacylated forms) in humans were investigated. Cancer cells were exposed for 24 h to 0.0–2.0 mg/mL of BC-ARE. Anthocyanin-rich extract inhibited proliferation of both types of cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. After ingestion of a black carrot concentrate, three acylated and two nonacylated anthocyanins were excreted in the volunteers (n = 4) urine (0.048% of the administered dose). The anthocyanins were characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Urine recovery of nonacylated anthocyanins was 8-fold higher than that of acylated anthocyanins.Industrial relevanceNatural pigments have achieved commercial significance as food colorants due to the fact that consumers perceive them as safe additives. At present extracts rich in acylated anthocyanins, which are known for their outstanding stability, serve as a major source of natural food colours for the food colorant industry with purple sweetpotato, red cabbage and black carrot being the major sources. Beside aesthetic values, anthocyanins possess enhanced physiological activity due to their potent antioxidant properties and enhance the health-promoting qualities of foods. Our findings on cancer cell antiproliferation activity of an anthocyanin-rich black carrot extract as well as information about the bioavailability of black carrot anthocyanins could lead to an increased application of these natural food colorants by the food industry.  相似文献   

研制了一种新型营养牛奶——向牛奶中添加各种黑色食品而成的调味牛奶,并对其工艺进行了研究。通过正交实验确定了最佳配方:鲜牛奶80%;白砂糖添加量5%;黑米粉添加量1.2%;黑芝麻粉添加量0.4%;黑豆粉添加量0.8%;稳定剂添加量0.3%。  相似文献   

研究了黑色食品的溶解方法,对不同的消解方法进行了对比试验,并对高压消解的最佳条件进行了探讨。建立了在H2SO4介质中,采用CTMAB-OP胶束增敏,锗-苯基荧光酮显色,并对最大吸收波长、显色时间、显色剂用量、酸用量、表面活性剂用量等影响因素进行了探讨。在λmax=507 nm,0~20μg/50 mL内符合朗白比尔定律,ε=1.31×105L.mol-1.cm-1。该方法具有良好的选择性、抗干扰性、重现性和稳定性,操作简单方便、无需分离,可直接用于黑色食品中痕量锗的测定。  相似文献   

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