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以拐枣和冬枣为试材,研究拐枣果汁冬枣果粒悬浮饮料的制备。在拐枣果汁含量为25%的基础上,探讨冬枣果粒含量和蔗糖、柠檬酸、琼脂的用量对悬浮饮料品质的影响。实验结果表明,以0.30%的Ca Cl2对冬枣果粒进行脆化,效果较好;拐枣果汁冬枣果粒悬浮饮料最佳调配比例为:冬枣果粒15%,蔗糖10%,柠檬酸0.20%,悬浮稳定剂琼脂0.25%。在该条件下制出的果粒果汁悬浮饮料具有较好的悬浮性及稳定性,感官品质良好。  相似文献   

近日,京城的饮料市场上出现了一种新的醋酸饮料,即北京龙门和田宽食品有限公司生产的苹果醋、菠萝醋和葡萄醋.细心品尝,果味浓郁、醋味稍淡,酸甜爽口,给人一种轻松感.当前国内饮料市场已是群雄逐鹿,各领风骚.以矿泉水、纯净水、各种可乐、茶饮料等为代表的  相似文献   

液态发酵法生产冬枣醋的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄骅冬枣为原料.通过加水榨汁及酶法澄清得到了冬枣汁;采用液态发酵法,经过正交实验研究了冬枣醋的发酵工艺.结果表明:酒精发酵条件为糖度18%,接种量1%,pH4.5,30℃发酵6d;醋酸发酵务件为酒精度9%,接种量10%,30%发酵14d.得到了酸度为5.2g/lOOmL,枣香浓厚,口感独特的冬枣醋.  相似文献   

通过选择性培养方法从柿子醋醋醅中分离醋酸菌,筛选产酸能力优异的醋酸菌,进行形态学观察、生理生化试验及分子生物学鉴定,并将菌株应用于冬枣醋的研制,采用单因素及正交试验优化其醋酸发酵条件。结果表明,筛选得到一株醋酸菌A1,其培养9 d产酸量为5.89 g/100 mL。菌株A1被鉴定为木醋杆菌(Acetobacter xylinum)。菌株A1制备冬枣醋最佳醋酸发酵条件为:初始酒精度9%vol,木醋杆菌A1接种量8%,发酵温度30 ℃。在此优化条件下,冬枣醋感官评分为91分,总酸含量(以醋酸计)4.76 g/100 mL,可溶性固形物含量1.5%,产品呈淡琥珀色,口味酸甜爽口,具有冬枣特有的果香,理化及微生物指标均符合国家相关标准。  相似文献   

以毛酸浆为主要原料,经酒精发酵、醋酸发酵制成毛酸浆原醋,再调配成毛酸浆果醋饮料。以毛酸浆原醋用量、毛酸浆汁用量、蜂蜜用量、60%的蔗糖糖浆用量为单因素,研究毛酸浆果醋饮料的配方和加工工艺。采用正交试验得出每100 m L毛酸浆果醋饮料的最佳配方为毛酸浆原醋8 m L,毛酸浆果汁20 m L,蜂蜜4 g,60%的蔗糖糖浆10g。生产的毛酸浆果醋饮料澄清透明,酸甜爽口,毛酸浆果香、醋香和蜂蜜香气浓郁。  相似文献   

研究开发桑椹醋绿茶饮料的加工工艺,以及利用分光光度法测定桑椹醋绿茶饮料总抗氧化能力和对DPPH.的抗氧化活性。结果表明,桑椹醋绿茶饮料的总抗氧化能力和对DPPH.的抗氧化能力均高于其它三种饮料,为进一步开发桑椹醋绿茶饮料奠定了研究基础。  相似文献   

据悉,在大连、哈尔滨,喝果味醋成了当地居民的一种消费时尚,在有名的大型商场和超市的货架上,几乎都摆有果味醋,而且十分畅销。据统计,目前,仅大连就已上市30万瓶果味醋。近日,喝醋风也刮入了京城,据生产调味品的龙门和田宽食品有限公司的负责人介绍,果味醋实际是一种醋酸饮料,是有别于传统的碳酸型、乳酸型、柠檬型和果汁饮料的新型饮料,这种饮料是目前市场上的空缺,人们喝腻了传统的碳酸饮料,喝起这种果味醋酸饮料,有一种新鲜爽口的感觉,并且能助消化、消暑和醒酒,这种饮产品的流行,顺应当今人们的消费观念果味醋渐成时尚…  相似文献   

芦荟醋酸饮料的影响因子及其调制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文主要研究以芦荟汁与发酵型黑醋(果品发酵醋)及蜂蜜等原材料调配生产果汁型醋酸饮料的最佳配方及工艺,并对成品进行风味、稳定性检测实验。用正交分析法分析芦荟汁,蛋白糖,蜂蜜,黑醋及苹果酸等原料对饮料风味的影响。结果表明,苹果酸对饮料风味的影响最大,黑醋,蛋白糖对饮料的影响比较大,再者为蜂蜜,芦荟汁对饮料风味的影响很小;最佳的配方为黑醋40ml/l,芦荟汁200ml/l,蜂蜜15g/l,蛋白糖0.02g/l,苹果酸1.0g/l;在所选稳定剂中黄原胶的稳定效果最佳。  相似文献   

以芦笋下脚料为主要原料,研制芦笋醋饮料,并对该饮料的降脂减肥功能进行研究.通过正交试验,确定芦笋醋饮料的配方,并通过动物试验研究芦笋醋饮料的减肥降脂作用.结果表明,芦笋醋饮料的最佳配方是牛蒡醋12%、冰糖8%、柠檬酸0.2%.试验组大鼠血清总胆固醇、三酰甘油和低密度脂蛋白水平较高脂模型组均显著下降(P<0.01),说明芦笋醋饮料具有明显的降脂减肥作用.  相似文献   

中国是米醋的生产大国,据有关研究表明食醋不仅是一种古老的调味品,还具有重要的保健功能。通过向米醋中添加蜂蜜、叶黄素及其它多种人体必需的维生素制成营养强化醋饮料,为制醋业拓展了发展空间,也为饮料产业注入了新的活力。  相似文献   

朱文优  聂尧  徐岩 《食品与机械》2017,33(10):16-22
采用高通量测序技术和多元统计方法,对比研究夏秋两季高温大曲生产过程中的真菌群落结构及其演变。结果表明,夏季大曲的主要真菌有14个属,秋季大曲有17个属,且夏季大曲的主要真菌在秋季大曲中均存在;Pichia、Saccharomycopsis和Wickerhamomyces是夏秋两季大曲生产起始的主要真菌,其中Pichia是秋季大曲生产全程的主要真菌类群,Thermoascus是夏季大曲发酵后期的优势真菌类群;秋季大曲生产过程中真菌类群数量更多,而夏季大曲真菌物种分布更均匀;夏秋两季大曲生产过程可分为2个阶段,分别以8d和12d为分界线,秋季大曲生产过程更易受外界条件影响,特别是生产前期。  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of grain has been studied in six varieties of oats, two of wheat and two of barley, sown in pots in an unheated glasshouse in winter and in spring. Differences were found between the species in composition and in their response to sowing date. Oats showed the greatest varietal variation in both total fatty acid (TFA) content and in the proportion of its component fatty acids. The content and degree of unsaturation of the oat TFA was higher in the winter sown than in the spring sown crop. Increases in the TFA content of oats, whether arising from differences in variety or sowing date, were generally followed by an increase in the proportion of oleic acid and a decrease in the proportions of palmitic and linoleic acid in the TFA. Winter sowing, as compared with spring, led to a small, but significant, decrease in the TFA content of barley and an increase in its degree of unsaturation. There were no significant changes in the content or composition of wheat TFA as a result of differences in sowing date. Factors influencing the differences in TFA content and composition between species, varieties and sowing dates are discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed an approach to isolate mechanisms controlling mobility and speciation of As in soil-water systems. The approach uses a combination of isotopic exchange and chromatographic/mass spectrometric As speciation techniques. We used this approach to identify mechanisms responsible for changes in the concentration of soluble As in two contaminated soils (Eaglehawk and Tavistock) subjected to different redox conditions and microbial activity. A high proportion of the total As in both soils was present in a nonlabile form. Incubation of the soils under anaerobic conditions led to changes in the concentration of soluble As in each soil but did not change the As speciation or the proportion of total As in labile forms in the soils. Hence, a decrease in soluble As in the Eaglehawk soil was the result of an Eh-induced pH decrease, enhancing the solid-phase sorption of As(V). An increase in soluble As in the Tavistock soil was due to an Eh-induced pH increase, decreasing solid-phase sorption of As(V). Incubation of the soils under aerobic conditions with microbial activity stimulated by addition of glucose resulted in no change in the solution concentration or speciation of As in the Eaglehawk soil, but led to a large increase in the concentration of soluble As in the Tavistock soil. This increase was due to conversion of exchangeable forms of As(V) into less strongly sorbed As(III) species. Incubation under anaerobic conditions in the presence of glucose resulted in a large increase in the concentration of soluble As in both soils; however, different mechanisms were found to be responsible for the increase in each soil. In the Eaglehawk soil higher concentrations of As were again due to conversion of exchangeable forms of As(V) into less strongly sorbed As(III) species. In contrast in the Tavistock soil, the increased As in solution was the result of release of As(V) from the large reservoir of nonlabile soil As.  相似文献   

Observations made in 46 sportswomen-skiers and 16 women not engaged in sporting activities demonstrated that in the former the blood plasma iron content declines in the spring-summer and rises in the autumn-winter periods, with the greatest abundance of iron in food rations being noted in winter, and the lowest--in summer. From among food products in the Yaroslavl region most rich in iron are meat and bakery ones, while dairy products contain little of this elements. A regular intake of the iron-containing preparation ferrocal in amounts of 0.64 g, thrice a day had a positive effect of the iron metabolism of the organism, this manifesting itself in an appreciable absorption of the element, an increased concentration of plasmatic iron, in the improvement of the morphological composition of the red blood, of the serum protein fractions and of the general condition of the sportswomen with simultaneously increased performance capacity.  相似文献   

A study of the content of water soluble vitamins in the 12 baby milk formulae available in the UK in April 1983 showed that levels of vitamins in the individual brands were generally in excess of those declared by the manufacturer. For cows' milk based formulae the mean excess of vitamins over the declared level was 94%. Vitamin levels in prepared formulae averaged three times the minimum recommended level. The average level of B vitamins in prepared cows' milk based formulae was six times higher than in mature human milk. For the two soya based products, the levels of vitamins were generally in excess of the declared level and levels of vitamin B12, biotin and, in one sample, vitamin B6 were considerably in excess of those found in mature human milk.  相似文献   

以浙江省毛竹笋为对象,研究不同部位、不同季节和不同区域的毛竹笋中21 种有机氯、18 种多氯联苯和16 种多环芳烃三类持久性有机污染物的分布特征。结果表明:有机氯在笋肉中分布高于笋壳,笋肉上部高于下部,春笋污染为冬笋的4 倍,污染较重地区为上虞,含量最高的为毒杀芬(约105 μg/kg)。多氯联苯在笋肉中分布高于笋壳,笋肉下部高于上部,春笋污染高于冬笋,污染较重地区为武义,含量最高的为PCB52(1.14 μg/kg);多环芳烃在笋肉和笋壳中分布接近,笋肉上部略高于下部,春笋污染为冬笋的1.5 倍,污染较重地区为永嘉,含量较高的为菲(5.85 μg/kg)。参照现有的限量标准,毛竹笋中55 种持久性有机污染物未超标,处于相对安全水平。研究结果不仅完善了竹笋的质量安全理论基础,也为环境污染的修复治理提供相应的参考。  相似文献   

为说明后区牵伸运用原则,从后区牵伸中纱条紧密度测定、有捻粗纱的匀伸作用、牵伸力与输出纱条不匀关系测定、不同牵伸分配、不同粗纱捻系数下前区牵伸力测定等方面分析,指出后区牵伸为前区主牵伸创造良好的牵伸条件;其实质是使喂入前区的牵伸纱条具有较均匀结构和必要紧密度,它产生的内摩擦力场强度与前区外摩擦力场强度分布相配合,共同形成胶圈牵伸良好而稳定的总摩擦力场强度分布,有利于成纱质量的提高;表明在此前提下,后区适当承担总牵伸的一部分可以减轻前区牵伸过大的负担,这就是后区牵伸运用原则。对罗拉直线牵伸、罗拉曲线牵伸和胶圈牵伸等各种后区牵伸型式进行了摩擦力场强度分布分析比较,指出单控制辊式VC型曲线牵伸是后区牵伸型式的重大突破和发展,可发挥前、后区牵伸潜力,其总牵伸能力达50~150倍,成为第三代大牵伸新水平,是后区牵伸型式技术进步的标志。  相似文献   

为说明后区牵伸运用原则,从后区牵伸中纱条紧密度测定、有捻粗纱的匀伸作用、牵伸力与输出纱条不匀关系测定、不同牵伸分配、不同粗纱捻系数下前区牵伸力测定等方面分析,指出后区牵伸为前区主牵伸创造良好的牵伸条件;其实质是使喂入前区的牵伸纱条具有较均匀结构和必要紧密度,它产生的内摩擦力场强度与前区外摩擦力场强度分布相配合,共同形成胶圈牵伸良好而稳定的总摩擦力场强度分布,有利于成纱质量的提高;表明在此前提下,后区适当承担总牵伸的一部分可以减轻前区牵伸过大的负担,这就是后区牵伸运用原则.对罗拉直线牵伸、罗拉曲线牵伸和胶圈牵伸等各种后区牵伸型式进行了摩擦力场强度分布分析比较,指出单控制辊式VC型曲线牵伸是后区牵伸型式的重大突破和发展,可发挥前、后区牵伸潜力,其总牵伸能力达50倍~150倍,成为第三代大牵伸新水平,是后区牵伸型式技术进步的标志  相似文献   

本文针对三疣梭子蟹和虾蛄等甲壳类动物具有富集镉的特性,研究了运用体积排阻色谱-高效液相色谱电感耦合等离子体质谱联用技术(SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS)首次对三疣梭子蟹和虾蛄可食用组织中镉的形态进行分析,研究结果显示梭子蟹肝胰腺中总镉含量高于肌肉组织,且不同样品总镉含量差异很大,镉的形态也存在很大差异。总镉含量高的梭子蟹肝胰腺组织中Cd主要以Cd-MT(金属硫蛋白)形态存在,而总镉含量低的梭子蟹肝胰腺组织中Cd主要以Cd-Cys(半胱氨酸),梭子蟹的肌肉组织中Cd主要以Cd-Cys形态存在。虾蛄的肌肉组织中Cd主要以Cd-MT形态存在。基于本文的研究结论,建议对我国国家标准中甲壳类镉的限量标准做进一步评估和再评价研究。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During wine ageing on lees yeast lysis takes place and some enzymes from the yeast cells, such as esterases, may be released. These enzymes might determine ester synthesis and could be also involved in their breakdown. In this study, the evolution of esters in Chardonnay wine fermented in stainless steel tanks and aged in bottles (conventional vinification) was compared with the evolution of esters in the same wine fermented and aged in barrel on lees. In this way, it was hoped to determine the influence of distinct methods of vinification on the evolution of esters in Chardonnay wine. RESULTS: The concentration of acetate esters of higher alcohols decreased in all the wines independently of the vinification method. However, the ethyl esters of fatty acids decreased in wine aged in barrel and increased in wine aged in bottle, so it would seem that these compounds interact with the lees present in the barrels and/or with the wood of the barrel. The ethyl esters of organic acids increased during ageing both in barrel and bottle. CONCLUSION: The ageing of Chardonnay wine in barrel on lees did not favour the formation of esters compared to the same wine aged in bottle. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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